There are 2 types of bus services that operate around Pekan, namely express buses and stop-and-go buses (stage buses). There are 5 types of consortium of bus owners operating in Pekan namely Syarikat Utama Ekspress, Cepat Express, Rapid Kuantan, Rahmat Alam Sdn Bhd and MARA. Most of these regular bus routes start at 6.00 am and end at 10.00 pm.
Terminal Bas Pekan, Jalan Engku Muda Mansor
Car Rental / Taxi
To attract more visitors to the Town, taxis in the Town play a role in tourism. In addition to providing facilities to foreign tourists from within the country and abroad, it also serves as a public transport service for the residents around the relatively remote and far inland areas.
Overall, this taxi service can be categorized into 2, namely local taxi services and taxi services outside the Town area. For local travel, you can go directly to Pekan Taxi Station.
Terminal Teksi Pekan, Jalan Engku Muda Mansor